Club Meeting - June

The next Club meeting will be at the Philatelic Centre, 67 Mandeville Street, this Sunday 25 June, commencing promptly at 7.00 p.m. The collectable and the bottle theme of the night will be Royalty. Also new finds. Sales tables available at no charge. Door charge is $3 per person and there will be a $1 raffle. Club member and postcard collector. Jeff Long will be doing a presentation on Richard (King Dick) John Seddon who was the longest serving Prime Minister of New Zealand. Bring along any relevant items relating to the subject. RAFFLE DONATIONS required for our August Annual Show. They can be household items for kitchen and pantry and bathroom toiletries. Make sure that all expiry dates are well passed August. Any other suitable items of any sort would be greatly appreciated. Lindsey will be taking bookings for the supper evening at Curragh Cottage in Ferrymead on Tuesday 18th at 7 p.m. Contributions to forthcoming Club magazines are always eagerly sought. Please send these to Hugh via the contact page of this website. You can also place an advert in the magazine’s Trading Post
pages, either for Items Wanted to Buy or To Sell.