Previous versions of the GUINNESS vintage cast iron bottle opener list recorded several brands of Guinness sold in Australia but not in New Zealand, which seemed odd. Why send a product half way round the world and not just that little bit further? Perhaps the small market simply wasn't worth it? But, searching the National Library of New Zealand's Papers Past, for Beaver Brand, Boars Head, Bugle Brand, Burkes, Compass Brand and Griffin Brand showed that these brands were indeed sold in NZ.

Other Guinness brands sold in NZ and represented on cast openers have been discussed in earlier posts to this forum, including Bulldog Brand, Dogs Head, Monkey Brand and Stork Brand. There is no evidence that any of the known cast openers were sent to NZ to promote these products, but with dates post 1900, you never know. The GUINNESS opener list data relating to the country where the products were sold has been updated in Version 1.6. 02/04/2016.

This research was then extended to include Guinness brands sold in NZ that have not been associated with cast openers, including Blood Wolf, Dagger Brand, Drummer Brand, Kangaroo Brand, Pig Brand, Vat Brand and Wheel Brand. Advertisements for the brands of Guinness sold in NZ not discussed elsewhere in this forum are presented below. Any feedback welcome, new data (certainly there are more brands), images of bottle openers, caps, labels, bottles or other advertising for the Guinness brands mentioned would be of interest.


Beaver Brand

New Zealand Herald, Volume LIII, Issue 16402, 2 December 1916, Page 8


Boars Head

Evening Star , Issue 8693, 8 December 1891, Page 1


Evening Star , Issue 9135, 16 May 1893, Page 1

Otago Daily Times , Issue 9890, 8 November 1893, Page 1


Bugle Brand

Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume XXI, Issue 6480, 14 February 1883, Page 1

Otago Daily Times , Issue 9431, 19 May 1892, Page 2


Southland Times , Issue 12313, 5 September 1892, Page 4


Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 163, 10 July 1907, Page 9


New Zealand Herald, Volume XLIV, Issue 13489, 13 July 1907, Page 8


Observer , 18 December 1911, Page 28



Otago Daily Times , Issue 2346, 12 August 1869, Page 4


Wanganui Chronicle, Volume XXIV, Issue 9613, 6 April 1882, Page 4

Evening Post, Volume LVII, Issue 26, 31 July 1899, Page 3

Daily Telegraph , Issue 9293, 22 July 1901, Page 1

NZ Truth , Issue 622, 12 May 1917, Page 3

NZ Truth , Issue 978, 23 August 1924, Page 11

Compass Brand

New Zealand Tablet, Volume XXVII, Issue 6, 9 February 1899, Page 14

Evening Star , Issue 14569, 18 May 1911, Page 5


Griffin Guinness

Evening Post, Volume XVI, Issue 20, 4 January 1878, Page 2

New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5510, 15 July 1879, Page 1

New Zealand Herald, Volume XVI, Issue 5499, 2 July 1879, Page 7


Blood Wolf

New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1774, 29 July 1869, Page 2


Dagger Brand