Annual Show


Images from the 39th Annual Show held in 2020

Images from the 38th Annual Show held in 2019

Images from the 37th Annual Show held in 2018

Images from the 36th Annual Show held in 2017

Images from the 35th Annual Show held in 2016

Images from the 34th Annual Show held in 2015

And Images from earlier shows below, as well as suggestions for setting up a display for the Annual Show.


Items on display usually include: Bottles and other containers; Advertising objects, including paper, metal, ceramic, glass; Commemorative objects; Post & Trade Cards; Medals, Medallions, Medalettes; Royal Doulton and other china; Toys; Dolls; Coloured glass of various styles; Kitchenalia; and much more.


Thinking of setting up a display for the Annual Show?

Patricia Osborne

1.Read the show schedule carefully to see which will be the correct category for your collection.  Then send in your entry form in good time, so you don't miss out.  Book accommodation well ahead, if the venue is out of town.  Make sure it is fairly close to the hall, as you have an early start on Saturday morning.

2.You will have approximately one and a half metres of length and 60cms of width, some categories are less. To set up, consider shelving required for elevation and other prominent features you require.  Make sure it is stable and not likely to collapse under the weight of the items on display.

3.Make a heading or title for your display that is easily read from one metre away, outside the barriers. An information sheet and individual labels with dates and manufacturer details should also be easy to read from ½ to one metre distance.  Cut away any excess paper on the labels so they do not obscure items displayed.  Double sided tape will stick most labels on to cover cloth used.  Blue tack comes in handy at times too.  Laminated pages can be cut to size easily and have the rigidity to stand upright and can be used more than once.  Keep the protective paper from the double sided tape to replace on the tape after display.

4.Cover base shelving with cloth, fabric, table cloth or sheet ironed smooth.  Make sure lower edge facing the public is even.

5.Wash, dust or polish your items for display - whichever is most appropriate for the article.

6.Set up the display shelving before display day so you can see how many items are needed and the best layout.  Small items are best near the front where they can be seen.  Place labels and information sheets, related photos etc. on to the display.  Take a photo, if possible, or make a list of the contents on each shelf or side.  Centre your best items for impact.

7.Pack away. Wrap if necessary e.g. glass, china and write the contents and shelf, etc. on the top of the box.  Apple boxes and orange boxes with lids are usually available free of charge.

8.If possible see if you can find your position in the hall the night before, and try to put up shelving ready for a quicker start the next morning.

9.Take your labels, double sided tape, Blue tack, scissors etc in a separate bag for easy access.

10.Check your display to see if it is balanced and labeled, heading in place, information pages able to be read from outside the barrier.  A music stand is adjustable and good for this.  Leave your entry ticket visible in a place in front.  Boxes can be tucked under the paper apron in front.
Good Luck!