Club meeting - September

The meeting commences at 7pm sharp Sunday 29 September, although there are trading tables set up from 6.45pm. This month the Collectables of the Night are comics and/or cartoons and the Bottle of the Night is favourite soft drink. Raffle $2 per ticket.


National Show 2024

The Association of New Zealand Antique Bottle & Collectables Clubs 48th National Show. Friday 20th Sept - Sunday 22nd Sept 2024, Expressions Whirinaki, 836 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt. See the  National Show page

Club meeting - August

Meeting commences at 7pm sharp although there is trading tables set up from 6.45pm. This month the Collectable of the Night is MUSIC MEMORABILIA INSTRUMENTS / RECORDS/ SHEET MUSIC/GRAMOPHONES/TURNTABLES ETC. This should be a fantastic topic with items from such a vast array of items. BOTTLE RELATED; LABELLED, ACL.This month the bottle related item is bottles with labels and or with the painted labelling (ACL). Raffle on Sunday Night $2 per ticket.


Club meeting - July

Club meeting Sunday 28th, meeting commences at 7pm sharp although there is trading tables set up from 6.45pm. COLLECTABLE OF THE NIGHT is world wide aviation (incl. New Zealand). This should be a fantastic topic with items from the aviation era from the first Wright Bros, to the super sonic Concord and beyond lets see what we can full the tables with airline tickets / posters/ models merchandise from the aviation industry.

Club meeting - June

This months meeting is on Sunday the 30th June, starting at 7pm sharp although there is trading tables set up from 6.45pm. The collectable of the Night is world wide railway collectables / paraphernalia. This should be a fantastic topic with items from railway lanterns to crockery, tickets show cards, photos brass plaques, postcards & models or toys etc.

Club meeting - May

The meeting starts at 7pm sharp on Sunday night. Remember there is parking on both sides of the building. It is only New finds or recently acquired items this Sunday night and then we will be having our regular interesting items of the night and guest speakers to keep us entertained and informed. Raffle at the Door $2 per Ticket.

Club meeting - April

The meeting for Sunday 28th April will provide table space for your ANZAC Memorabilia. We will have our Patron and long standing member as our Guest speaker, Richard Spark speak on a half a dozen important items to him and the people that have been instrumental and important to the said items. Collectable item of the night will be Farming related. This subject is huge, and we look forward to the amazing items whether it be lead toys related to the farm or large farming implements, tractors etc.

Club meeting - March

The Easter club meeting is Sunday the 31 March, STARTING EARLY 6.30 PM. A Mini Sales Night with collectors selling to fellow collectors. MARITIME THEME FOR THE NIGHT BOTTLES AND COLLECTABLES. As Christchurch is blessed with a working port and we have an array of Maritime History at our doorstep along with the aerated water companies using ships / boats on various bottles we thought this a good topic for the nights tables.

Club meeting - February

Club meeting this Sunday the 25th February, starting 7pm. Collectable of the night: items associated with the commonwealth games predominantly Christchurch 1974 but any games would be great to see and share. Bottles of the night: Similar theme items that depict sporting associated events e.g., rowing shooting (bottles with guns), cycling or those trademarks that had athletes, runners, sailing, etc use your imagination.

Club meeting - January

The first club meeting of 2024 is Sunday the 28th. The meeting will begin at 7pm as per normal. ITEMS OF THE NIGHT FOR BOTH COLLECTABLES AND BOTTLES: open to all your new finds or recently acquired items for both, so the tables should be full to over flowing.

Club meeting - November

Club Meeting Sunday 26th will begin at 6pm as we are going to have a bring and buy night so collectors can off load some excess collectables before Christmas. We will have Christmas theme with at least 3 Raffles for you to be in to win $2 per ticket multiple draws. Also, the club will be providing a lovely Christmas themed supper to enjoy and share. BOTTLE RELATED ITEM FOR THE NIGHT IS; LABELS OR LABELED BOTTLES.

Club Meeting - October

Club Meeting Sunday 29th meeting will begin at 7pm as per normal. ITEMS OF THE NIGHT FOR BOTH COLLECTABLES AND BOTTLES: Your best bargain or your best find and if you can’t think of what your best bargain is because you’ve had so many it could be your most unusual find or buy. There will be an opportunity for the members to contribute a story about their items. There will be a fresh vegetable-fruit raffle on sale on the entry table.

Club meeting - September

A very big and sincere thank you from the committee to all those who contributed in any way to a very successful 47th National Show 2023 show. The club meeting will be held Sunday 24th September. The meeting starts at 7pm and the hall opens at 6.45pm. Location of meeting Riccarton community centre Clarence St. There will be a table set up on Sunday night for your recently acquired collectable and recently acquired bottle. There will also be sales tables available.

Club Meeting - August

Meeting Sunday 28 August 2023, Riccarton community centre on Clarence, Street. Visitors welcome. MEETING STARTS AT 7pm Hall opens at 6.45pm. ITEMS OF THE NIGHT – BOTTLES transport related trademarked, e.g., Trains / Bikes/ Boats/ Planes/ Balloons / Zeppelins. COLLECTABLE OF THE NIGHT – NZ RAILWAY MEMORABILIA. UNEARTHED: We have done another run of the soft cover editon. Books will be available at the National show for sale at $70 plus. Raffle Tickets at the Door on entry to the rooms a great healthy Vege Box $2 per ticket


Club meeting - July

Sunday 30 July meeting starts at 7.00 pm. The dinner for July meeting has been canceled apologies from the committee as there was not enough interest. Instead there will be a mid winter rummage mini market sales evening 5.30pm -7pm. We would like to invite members to bring along items for sale prior to the normal meeting there will be plenty of tables set up around the room for your sale items this will be a fun evening and give a little more time to rummage and fossick before our normal meeting starts. Bottle of the month – any coloured glass bottles.

Club meeting - June

Meeting Sunday the 25th June. Meeting venue The Riccarton Community Centre. MEETING STARTS AT 7pm Hall opens at 6.45pm. There will be a table for collectors to bring along new and interesting items that they have come across in the last month. Limited Sales tables available on the night, tables are provided free of charge and it’s a great way to share our hobby with each other on a small but intimate scale. Bottles of the night and collectable of the night: Items with flora (plants) depicted on them. Raffle $2 per ticket.

Club meeting - May

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE CHRISTCHURCH ANTIQUE BOTTLE & COLLECTABLES CLUB SUNDAY 28 MAY 2023 RICCARTON COMMUNITY CENTRE ON CLARENCE STREET VISITORS WELCOME. Supper will be a bit fancier so please don’t forget to pay your $3 on arrival. Raffle Tickets at the Door on entry to the rooms a great healthy Vege Box $2 per ticket. Election of Officers will be at the start of the meeting if you would like to be on this year’s committee, please let someone know so that your name can go forward.

Club meeting - April

IT’S THE END OF APRIL ALREADY SO DON’T FORGET MEETING THIS SUNDAY NIGHT. Meeting venue The Riccarton Community Centre. Most of the parking is to the left of the building but there are parks behind and to the right, there is also parking in side street opposite. MEETING STARTS AT 7pm Hall opens at 6.45pm SALES AREA is available for those of you that would like to trade amongst collectors There will still be light refreshments at the break during our meeting. We will need to have a couple of volunteers for the Kitchen tonight please. The Door/Supper entry is $3 per person.

Club meeting - March

We are going to meet this weekend but prior to our normal club meeting we have arranged a visit to the Christchurch Toy Museum located at 36 Manchester Street from 3pm till 5pm there is a small charge but the owner has given us a small discount Seniors $8 Adults $10 and Kids $5. An eclectic collection of toys & collectibles designed to bring a smile of nostalgia whatever your age.


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